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Apple Pie – Easy Pink Lady® Apple Pie Recipe

Apple Pies are a delight to the tastebuds. The flaky buttery crust and apple filling make it one of the best comfort foods ever. As the name implies, the major filling is simply Apple and it can be made with any type of apple; Fresh, dried or canned e.t.c. For this apple pie, I used fresh, juicy red, Pink Lady®apples. I absolutely love the juicy sweetness from this particular brand of apple and the crunchy texture it has. 

It’s more like a blend of the typical green apple and red apple combined which makes it a quintessential fruit everyone would love.  This apple pie recipe is one which would keep you craving for more. It’s quick, easy and simply delicious especially with the fact that the major ingredient is the tasty Pink Lady® apple. 

For this recipe, i will be using about 5-6 medium-sized Pink Lady®apples.  Pink Lady® is the perfect healthy snack – portable, palatable, and pretty!

In the Kitchen:
Pink Lady® apples excel in fresh salads and pies, perfect for sauces, great for baking, and just plain delicious when eaten on their own! The sweet, tangy taste and natural refreshing fizz of Pink Lady® apples turn everyday recipes into something extra special. Even when cooked or baked, the sweet flavour remains prominent and the skin rosy. The apples soften when baked, but will not become floury or lose their shape. All the more reason to cook with them.

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Step By Step Directions:::

For the Apple Pie dough, you’ll need; All-purpose flour + Extra for dusting, Butter, Granulated sugar, Salt, Iced Water

To prepare the dough:::

Step 1: Place the dry ingredients such as the all-purpose flour, sugar and salt into a mixing bowl or food processor. Cut the butter into cubes and add then mix together till it well incorporated. With a food processor, you can do this by pulsing until everything is well combined. 

Step 2: Add the Iced water a little at a time while mixing till you get a crumbly dough which is the desired consistency we need. Pour the crumbly dough onto a work surface and divide into two parts. Using a cling film, wrap each part separately to give you two wrapped doughs of equal proportion.  Place in a refrigerator and leave to chill till it’s ready for use. 

To Prepare the apple pie:::

The Ingredients you’ll need for the apple pie are; Pink Lady® Apples, butter, granulated sugar, flour, water, cinnamon, Egg and Apple pie dough (made above)

Step 1: The first step is to prepare the base filling sauce. To do this, you place a saucepan on the burner. Add the butter and leave to melt. Add the sugar and leave to dissolve in the pan before adding the flour. Mix till you get a smooth paste then add the water to loosen it up a bit. Let this simmer on low heat for 3 minutes before turning off the burner. Set aside to cool down. 

Step 2: Rinse the apples and place on a chopping board. Using a sharp Knife, Peel the skin/rind off and discard. Divide each apple into two equal parts to expose the centre where the seed lies. Core the apples by removing the stalk and seeds. 

Step 3: Slice the cored apples and place in a bowl. Add the cinnamon powder and mix. Pour the base sauce in step one into the bowl with the apple and mix to combine. Set this aside. 

Step 4: Get one chilled apple pie dough and remove from the cling film. Flour the flat surface it will be rolled on and place the dough on it. With a rolling pin, roll out the dough to fit the size of the pan it will be baked in. Place the dough into the pan and press down. For the second dough, roll out like you did for the first and cut into strips.

Step 5: Pour the apple filling into the pan and cover the filling with the dough strips in a mat-like form. Glaze the top of the dough with the whisked egg wash. 

Step 6: Bake in the oven at 375ºF for 1 hr 20 Minutes till the crust of the pie turns golden brown. You’ll know the apple pie is ready when you see it bubbling at the top. 

Step 7: Remove from the oven and leave to cool down before slicing. This way, it stays in one piece.

Serve alone or with your favourite topping!

How to serve pies

Apple pies can be served either cold, warm or hot. You could also serve your pies alone or with toppings such as Ice cream or Custard. 

How to store pies

If you don’t intend eating the pie immediately, you can store in the refrigerator for or freeze. 

About Pink Lady® Apples
Grown with love, Pink Lady® apples are allowed to linger longer on their trees to absorb more of nature’s goodness and develop their beautiful blush and sweet refreshing taste. Only the cream of the crop is selected to be a perfect Pink Lady® apple. The heart-shaped logo is your assurance of the finest quality, guaranteeing a sweet, juicy and crunchy apple every time! Packed with Goodness:
• About 10% of a Pink Lady® apple is made up of carbohydrates and contains dietary fibre in both the skin and core. Eat the skin, it is good for you!
• Approximately 4% of a Pink Lady® apple is made up of vitamins and minerals. The rest of the apple, more than
80%, is made up of water.
• An average 100g Pink Lady® apple contains about 50 calories.

Visit our website, for a peek inside our kitchen and discover mouth-watering recipes.
Pink Lady® apples are seasonal and grown with love by our own farmers in South Africa.
Available in stores from May to November.
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Instagram @PinkLadyApplesNigeria  and  Facebook @pink_lady_nigeria