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How to prepare Capsicum tomato sauce with meatballs

This light tomato sauce brings out the taste in meatballs anyday, anytime. To add a colorful twist to this light sauce, I decided to add capsicums. The most common variety found in Nigeria are the green and red types popularly known as green bell pepper and red bell pepper (Tatashey). The ones I used for this recipe have this sweet after taste unlike the Nigerian grown capsicums. 
•Prep time:  10 minutes 
•Cook time: 30 minutes 
•Total time:  40 minutes 
• 25 Already prepared Meatballs 
click to view preparation process
• 1 Yellow & 1 green Capsicum
• 4 plum tomatoes 
• ¼ Large red onion
•3 red scotched bonnets(diced)
• 3 Cooking Spoons Beef stock
• 1 Stock cube
• 1 cooking spoon Vegetable oil
• Salt to taste

1. Slice the Capsicums and set aside

2. Lightly blend the plum tomatoes and onion; pour into a medium sized frying pan

3. Add the diced scotch bonnet pepper and cook for about 10 mins till the liquid dries up leaving only the tomato puree 

4. Pour in the vegetable oil and fry for about 5 mins 

5. Add the Beef stock and leave to simmer for 10mins 

6. Add the sliced capsicums and meat balls; leave for another 5mins 

7. Serve as a form of garnish 

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