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How to preserve tomato and pepper puree without refrigeration

With bumper recipes which require a mixture of tomato and pepper as a base such as jollof rice, jollof spaghettistews and sauces, pizza, figuring out how to preserve these perishable goods couldn’t be far fetched. Also, with the current state of the already epileptic power supply in the country, learning to store these goods without placing it in the refrigerator or freezer would come in handy. Preserving it this way makes it easier to use when ready and can also store for several days and even weeks with or without refrigeration. 

Step 1: The first step is to puree the tomato and pepper as explained HERE

Step 2: Dehydrate the puree by cooking for some minutes till all the liquid in the pot evaporates leaving the concentrate. 

Step 3: Pour clean cooking oil into the puree and fry for about 10 minutes 

Step 4: Place the fried puree in an airtight container with the oil inclusive making sure the oil covers the puree completely (Let it reach the brim). This prevents any form of mold from growing within.  

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