Blendo Yam is the name, Pounded yam is the goal 😁. It’s amazing what you could come up with when adding modern twists to ancient meals. So far, there have been different cooking hacks to help ease the stress of pounding yam e.g pounded yam in a blender or food processor or drying and converting yam into powdered form.
Today, we’ve got a new hack and it’s known as “Blendo Yam” and as the name implies, it’s processes in a blender. There are several ways to make pounded yam and this is sure part of the list. Okay, I’ll admit it right now, this method is for lazy peeps that don’t like hard work like pounding e.g moi. Plus, it really doesn’t taste exactly like the real pounded yam but works as a perfect substitute just like the powdered version known as poundo yam. This idea came after doing the plantain swallow here and it worked…hehehe!!!
View the steps Below
Fat per serving: 0 (N/A)