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Green Pineapple Cucumber Date Smoothie

Does the thought of adding leafy green vegetables to your smoothie make you feel like puking? Don’t worry you’re not alone. To me it did at first until i stumbled on a documentary on an 80 year old woman who looked like she was 50 something. When asked what the secret to her youthful look was, she said has been thriving on a 100% low fat raw vegan diet for over 25 years.

Since our bodies need the right amount of vitamins and minerals for healthy skin,hair, bones,heart and overall well being, starting a fruity boost diet would definitely lead to a healthier life. This easy smoothie blend is packed with nutritious vitamins and minerals which makes it great especially for those on a diet. Usually, i combine my leafy greens with sweet fruits in order to mask the flavor from the vegetable and it works like magic. Start your day off right with this super duper healthy and nutritious breakfast smoothie today.

How to make green pineapple cucumber dates smoothie
• Prep time: 
5 mins
• Cook time: Nil
• Category:   Nigerian drinksSmoothies
• Servings:   1

• 3 Green Leaves (inine “igbo”/ Efo tete “Yoruba”)
•1 cup Pineapple (diced) + 1 cup pineapple juice



•1 cup Cucumber (diced)
In a blender, combine the green, pineapple + juice, dates and cucumber. Blend until smooth. Pour into glass and serve.