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Homemade Turkey Stock

Turkey stock is the liquid extract gotten from cooked turkey meat including the bones. Just like chicken stock, beef stock, Fish stock, Turkey stock is used as a base in most Nigerian cooking. It adds a wonderful flavor to whatever meal it’s used for. When making this stock, any part of the turkey can be used. For this, I used the turkey wings alone. To make the flavors come out, ensure you chop the turkey to expose the parts especially the marrow which is part of the flavor enhancers.  

Nigerian Turkey Stock recipe:
•Prep time:  
10 mins
•Cook time: 25 minutes
•Total time:  35 minutes


•1 kilo Turkey wings (Cut into parts) 
•1 medium Red Onion, diced
•3 Bay Leaves 
•3 tbsp. Ginger, grated 
•1 tsp. Curry powder 
•1 tsp. Thyme 
•1 tsp. Salt to taste 
•1 tbsp. Chopped Parsley – Optional 
•2 cups water

Step 1: Wash the Turkey and place in a medium sized pot. 

Step 2: Add the Chopped red Onion, Bay Leaves, Chopped parsley, Grated Ginger, Scotch bonnet pepper, Curry powder, Thyme, Crushed Seasoning cubes & Salt to taste. 

Step 3: Pour In the two cups of water and boil for about 15 minutes till tender. Turn down the heat of the burner and leave to simmer for 10mins more

Step 4: Remove the bay leaves and use the stock as a base for the preparation of your meals. 

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