White coconut flour |
One of the reasons why i love whole fresh coconuts is because no part of it goes to waste. I must admit, in the past, processing coconut to me just meant drinking the juice for its amazing health benefits, extracting the milk for coconut rice, using the hard shell for DIY crafts but throwing away the by product which we refer to as “Chaff”.
That was in the past though because what we usually refer to as unwanted chaff can actually be converted into coconut flour and used in making various delicacies. Today, i’d be showing you how to make coconut flour. About 2 medium sized coconuts can get you one cup of flour.
Daily the popularity of coconut flour grows as more people discover the nutritional health benefits. Coconut flour is not like the normal flour we are all used to. This is because it is mad from coconut meat. Coconut meat is the white part of the coconut which you extract coconut milk from. Once you’ve squeezed out the coconut milk, the resulting by product is then sun dried or oven dried at reduced temperature before being ground into powdery form. This form what we call coconut flour.
Brown coconut flour |
Coconut flour is a healthy alternative to the usual all purpose flour. It is rich in fiber, protein and healthy fats. It is gluten free which means it doesn’t contain gluten, a protein component which gives elasticity, strength and the ability to hold food products together. This makes it a favorite for dieters who want to get slimmer faster and also those who are sensitive to gluten or try to avoid any meal that contains gluten such as those with digestive problems, diabetes, vegetarians, celiac disease.
Watch How To Make Coconut Flour
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