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List of Indigenous beans and legumes found in Nigeria

Here’s a list of Beans and Legumes you should know about. The highlighted ones in green are readily available in Nigeria. Without further ado, view the list below. 


  • Adzuki Beans: Adzuki beans are small, red beans commonly used in East Asian cuisines. They have a sweet flavor and are often used in sweet dishes such as red bean paste for desserts, as well as savory dishes like soups and stews.


  • Anasazi Beans: Anasazi beans are heirloom beans native to the American Southwest. They have a creamy texture and a mild, slightly sweet flavor. Anasazi beans are often used in soups, salads, and side dishes.


  • Black Beans(Akidi): Black beans are small, shiny black beans commonly used in Nigerian, Latin American, and Caribbean cuisines. They have a dense, meaty texture and a rich, earthy flavor. Black beans are versatile and are used in dishes such as soups, stews, rice and beans, and salads. You can read all about black bean nutrition HERE Or You can learn how to cook black beans HERE


  • Black-eyed Peas: Black-eyed peas are pale-colored legumes with a black “eye” or spot on one side. They have a mild, slightly nutty flavor and a soft texture. Black-eyed peas are often used in Southern cuisine, particularly in dishes such as Hoppin’ John, soups, and salads.


  • Butter Beans: Butter beans, also known as lima beans, are large, creamy white beans with a buttery texture and mild flavor. They are commonly used in Southern and Mediterranean cuisines, often in dishes such as succotash, soups, stews, and casseroles.


  • Bambara nuts: Bambara groundnuts also known as Iwisa Beans or Congo beans, are small, round legumes native to sub-Saharan Africa. They have a nutty flavor and are commonly used in African cuisines, particularly in soups, stews, and porridges. Iwisa beans are rich in protein, fiber, and other nutrients, making them a valuable food source in many African countries.

  • Chickpeas: Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are round, beige-colored legumes with a nutty flavor and firm texture. They are commonly used in various cuisines around the world, particularly in Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and Indian dishes. Chickpeas are versatile and can be used in salads, soups, stews, curries, and as the main ingredient in hummus.          
       a: White Chick Pea (Fio Fio) – Sweet   
              Used for Ayaraya Ji 
       b: Red Chick Peas (Fio Fio) – Less Sweet
             – Used for Ayaraya Oka
             – Used for Achicha: Usually cooked with Achicha (Smoke dried red cocoyam. Can stay for almost a year). when ready to           cook akidi, simply soak in water for 15 minutes then squeeze till there’s no water left. Place the squeezed cocoyam in              a  cloth and put in the pot of achicha to steam for 15 minutes till the achicha is done


  • Cannellini Beans: Cannellini beans are large, white Italian beans with a creamy texture and mild flavor. They are commonly used in Italian cuisine, particularly in dishes such as minestrone soup, pasta e fagioli, and salads. Cannellini beans are also known as white kidney beans.


  • Cranberry Beans: Cranberry beans, also known as borlotti beans, are medium-sized beans with mottled pink and beige coloring. They have a creamy texture and nutty flavor. Cranberry beans are commonly used in Italian and Mediterranean cuisines, particularly in soups, stews, salads, and pasta dishes


  • Cow Peas: 


  • Dried Peas: Dried peas, also known as split peas, are peas that have been dried and split in half. They come from the same plant species as fresh peas but have been processed for longer shelf life. Dried peas are commonly used in soups, stews, and dal dishes.


  • Dolichos Beans: Dolichos beans, also known as Lablab beans or Hyacinth beans, are legumes that belong to the Dolichos genus. They are commonly grown in tropical and subtropical regions and have a variety of uses, including as food for humans and animals, and as a cover crop to improve soil fertility.


  • Edamame: Edamame are young, green soybeans that are harvested before they fully mature. They are commonly boiled or steamed and served as a snack or appetizer. Edamame is rich in protein, fiber, and various nutrients, making it a popular and nutritious food.


  • Fava Beans (also known as Broad Beans): Fava beans are large, flat, green beans with a slightly sweet flavor and buttery texture. They are commonly used in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisines, where they are often roasted, grilled, or pureed into dips. Fava beans are also a good source of protein, fiber, and vitamins.


  • Fava Beans (also known as Broad Beans): Fava beans are large, flat, green beans with a slightly sweet flavor and buttery texture. They are commonly used in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisines, where they are often roasted, grilled, or pureed into dips. Fava beans are also a good source of protein, fiber, and vitamins.


  • Frijoles (Spanish for beans): Frijoles refers to a variety of beans commonly used in Latin American cuisines, including black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, and others. They are versatile legumes used in a wide range of dishes such as soups, stews, rice and beans, and bean dips.


  • Green Beans: Green beans, also known as snap beans or string beans, are tender, elongated pods harvested from common bean plants. They are typically eaten whole, either raw or cooked, and are a popular vegetable in many cuisines around the world. Green beans are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.


  • Garbanzo Beans (also known as Chickpeas): Garbanzo beans, also known as chickpeas, are round, beige-colored legumes with a nutty flavor and firm texture. They are commonly used in various cuisines around the world, particularly in Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and Indian dishes. Garbanzo beans are versatile and can be used in salads, soups, stews, curries, and as the main ingredient in hummus.


  • Haricot Beans: Haricot beans, also known as navy beans or white beans, are small, oval-shaped beans with a creamy texture and mild flavor. They are commonly used in various dishes, including soups, stews, and baked beans. Haricot beans are rich in protein, fiber, and nutrients, making them a nutritious addition to meals.


  • Horse Gram: Horse gram is a type of legume native to Southeast Asia and India. It is small, round, and brown with a nutty flavor and a slightly bitter taste. Horse gram is commonly used in traditional Indian cuisine, particularly in soups, stews, and curries. It is rich in protein, iron, and other nutrients, making it a popular ingredient in vegetarian diets.


  • Jack Bean: The Jack bean, also known as the sword bean or Canavalia ensiformis, is a legume native to tropical regions of the Americas. It produces large, flat, green pods containing seeds that are edible when cooked. Jack beans are primarily grown as a cover crop to improve soil fertility, but the seeds can also be consumed after proper cooking.


  • Jicama (not a legume): Jicama, also known as Mexican turnip or yam bean, is a root vegetable rather than a legume. It has a crisp texture and slightly sweet flavor, making it a popular ingredient in salads, slaws, and stir-fries. While it doesn’t belong to the legume family, jicama is often included in discussions about beans and legumes due to its similar-sounding name.


  • Kidney Beans: Kidney beans are large, kidney-shaped beans with a deep red color. They have a robust flavor and creamy texture when cooked. Kidney beans are commonly used in various cuisines, including chili, soups, salads, and bean dips. They are rich in protein, fiber, and essential nutrients.


  • Kala Chana: Kala chana, also known as black chickpeas or Bengal gram, are small, dark brown legumes with a nutty flavor and firm texture. They are commonly used in Indian cuisine, particularly in dishes such as curries, stews, and snacks. Kala chana is rich in protein, fiber, and other nutrients, making it a nutritious addition to meals.


  • Lentils: Lentils are small, lens-shaped legumes that come in various colors, including green, brown, red, and black. They have a mild, earthy flavor and are rich in protein, fiber, and other nutrients. Lentils are commonly used in cuisines around the world, particularly in soups, stews, salads, and curries.


  • Lima Beans: Lima beans, also known as butter beans, are large, flat, cream-colored beans with a buttery texture and mild flavor. They are commonly used in American and Latin American cuisines, particularly in succotash, soups, stews, and salads. Lima beans are rich in protein, fiber, and vitamins.


  • Mung Beans: Mung beans are small, green legumes with a slightly sweet flavor and tender texture. They are commonly used in Asian cuisines, particularly in dishes such as soups, stir-fries, and sprouts. Mung beans are rich in protein, fiber, and other nutrients, making them a nutritious addition to meals.


  • Moth Beans: Moth beans, also known as matki or Turkish gram, are small, brown legumes with a nutty flavor and firm texture. They are commonly used in Indian cuisine, particularly in dishes such as curries, soups, and sprouts. Moth beans are rich in protein, fiber, and vitamins.


  • Navy Beans: Navy beans, also known as haricot beans or white beans, are small, oval-shaped beans with a creamy texture and mild flavor. They are commonly used in various dishes, including soups, stews, and baked beans. Navy beans are rich in protein, fiber, and nutrients, making them a nutritious addition to meals.


  • Natto (not a traditional legume): Natto is a traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans. It has a strong flavor and sticky texture and is commonly eaten as a breakfast food or added to rice dishes. Natto is rich in protein, vitamins, and beneficial bacteria.


  • Orca Beans: Orca beans, also known as calypso beans or yin yang beans, are small, oval-shaped beans with a black-and-white pattern. They have a creamy texture and mild, nutty flavor. Orca beans are commonly used in salads, soups, and side dishes.


  • Oloyin Beans: Oloyin beans, also known as otebo beans, are a type of cowpea common in West Africa. They are small, brown beans with a sweet flavor and soft texture when cooked. Otebo beans are often used in traditional African dishes such as akara (bean cakes) and moin moin (bean pudding).


  • Pinto Beans: Pinto beans are medium-sized, oval-shaped beans with a pinkish-brown speckled pattern. They have a creamy texture and mild, nutty flavor. Pinto beans are commonly used in Mexican and Southwestern cuisine, particularly in dishes such as refried beans, chili, and bean salads.


  • Peas (not traditionally considered a legume): Peas are small, spherical seeds that grow in pods and are harvested from the Pisum sativum plant. They come in various colors, including green, yellow, and purple. Peas are versatile and can be eaten fresh, frozen, or dried. They are commonly used in soups, salads, stir-fries, and as a side dish.


  • Peanuts (not traditionally considered a legume): Peanuts are technically legumes, although they are often referred to as nuts due to their similar culinary uses. They grow underground and are rich in protein, healthy fats, and various nutrients. Peanuts are commonly eaten roasted, salted, or as peanut butter, and are used in a wide range of dishes, including desserts, sauces, and savory dishes.


  • Red Lentils: Red lentils are a type of lentil that is orange-red in color and has a mild, slightly sweet flavor. They cook quickly compared to other lentil varieties and are commonly used in soups, stews, curries, and dal dishes. Red lentils are rich in protein, fiber, and various nutrients.


  • Romano Beans: Romano beans, also known as Italian flat beans, are long, flat pods with a tender texture and mild, sweet flavor. They are similar to green beans but broader and flatter. Romano beans are commonly used in Italian and Mediterranean cuisines, particularly in salads, stir-fries, and side dishes.


  • Soybeans: Soybeans are versatile legumes commonly used for various purposes, including culinary and industrial applications. They are rich in protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. Soybeans are used to make soy milk, tofu, tempeh, soy sauce, and other soy-based products. They are also used as animal feed and in the production of biofuels.


  • Split Peas: Split peas are dried peas that have been split in half. They come in two varieties: green split peas and yellow split peas. Split peas are commonly used in soups, stews, and dal dishes. They are rich in protein, fiber, and nutrients, making them a nutritious addition to meals.


  • Sugar Snap Peas (not traditional legumes): Sugar snap peas are a cross between snow peas and garden peas. They have edible pods with plump peas inside. Sugar snap peas are commonly eaten raw as a snack or added to salads and stir-fries. They are sweet and crunchy with a slightly grassy flavor.


  • Tepary Beans: Tepary beans are small, drought-tolerant beans native to the southwestern United States and Mexico. They come in various colors, including white, brown, and black. Tepary beans have a nutty flavor and firm texture. They are rich in protein, fiber, and other nutrients, making them a valuable food source in arid regions.


  • Toor Dal (Pigeon Peas): Toor dal, also known as pigeon peas, are small, round legumes commonly used in Indian cuisine. They have a mild, nutty flavor and are often used to make dal, soups, stews, and curries. Toor dal is rich in protein, fiber, and vitamins.


  • Velvet Beans: Velvet beans, also known as Mucuna pruriens, are legumes native to tropical regions of Africa and Asia. They are often grown as cover crops and for their medicinal properties. Velvet beans have a high protein content and are used in traditional medicine for various purposes, including improving fertility, reducing stress, and boosting mood.


  • Vallarai Keerai (Indian Pennywort): Vallarai Keerai, also known as Indian pennywort or brahmi, is a leafy green vegetable native to India. It is highly valued for its medicinal properties and is often used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine to improve cognitive function, reduce stress, and promote overall health. Vallarai Keerai is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.


  • Vanilla Bean: Vanilla beans are the seed pods of the vanilla orchid. While not traditionally thought of as nuts, vanilla beans contain tiny seeds that are often used as a flavoring agent in cooking, baking, and confectionery. The beans themselves have a rich, aromatic scent and are prized for their sweet, floral flavor. They are commonly used to make vanilla extract, vanilla paste, and other vanilla-infused products.

These are some of the most common and popular types of legumes used in various cuisines around the world. Legumes are not only nutritious but also versatile ingredients that can be used in soups, stews, salads, curries, and many other dishes