Who ever thought potato could be made as “swallow”? Until i got a pack of potato flakes to try recently, i would never have imagined it could be a possibility.
I mean we use cassava to make fufu and garri swallow, yam to make pounded yam and amala swallow, wheat to make wheat meal “swallow”, cassava starch to make Usi so potato flour swallow is definitely in line with everything swallow/fufu stands for. At first i thought; wouldn’t it be too soft to be rolled into balls?
But i figured out since the potato has been dehydrated and converted into powdered flaky form, forming morsels with it becomes easier. The second thing that crossed my mind was, wouldn’t it need a binding agent so it doesn’t fall apart? Well it doesn’t since potato is already starchy on its own.
Potatoes are edible tubers rich in carbohydrates and nutrients such as vitamin C, B6, phosphorus, niacin, manganese e.t.c. A medium sized serving of potato (about 148g) contains about 110 calories.
Poundo Potato Swallow
By Dobbys Signature
A tasty new way to enjoy soups. Perfect when served hot with your favorite soup. .
Prep time: 00:00
Cook time:00:10
Yield: 2 Wraps
Misc: Serve with
4.5/5 Based on 3Reviews
• 3 cups potato flour
• 2 cups water
View the steps Below
Calories per serving: 0
Fat per serving: 0
Fat per serving: 0
Step 1: In a small pot, bring the water to its boiling point. Remove about 1/2 cup of water and set aside.
Step 2: Gently stir in the potato flour till it stiffens. Make a well in the center of the large morsel and pour in the cup of water removed. Leave it to cook for about 3-5 minutes.
Step 3: Stir vigorously to combine everything together and your potato flour swallow is ready. Serve with your favorite soup.
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