Starch (Usi) is a popular delicacy in the Southern part of Nigeria especially with people from Delta state. It’s infact the major type of “swallow” used in eating the popular Banga soup and Ovwo soup and yes, it’s finger licking tasty too. It’s made from the common starch used in laundry here in Nigeria…. Yes you heard right, the type used for stiffening cloths to give it a crisp, polished look. Starch (Usi) is made from cassava (just like Fufu, akpu and garri) and it’s usually sold caked up (just the way Pap is sold). It’s white in colour with a very distinct aroma. To prepare the swallow, you’d need a pan preferably a non stick pan with a handle to make it easy for you to control the starch while it’s being made. The preparation of starch takes a lot of skill to make and even more skill to learn how to cut and swallow properly.
Watch The Video Below

- • 250 g medium Starch
- • 2 tbsp. Palm oil
- • 1 cup Water
Step 3: By the time you are done, you should have a clear pan. Remove the starch from the pan and serve with the
Step 3: By the time you are done, you should have a clear pan. Remove the starch from the pan and serve with the
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I just discovered dis blog,nice one dobbys,,,,,i'm introducing ma group to this blog now….love it here!
That'd be nice dorcas :). Thanks and do stop by often.
Hubby love starch and banga,learning dis as soon as possible.tnx for dis dobby.
you're welcome anthonia
I realy love it with my mum ovwoh soup. Thanks. Dobby for this.
Love this native food
Glad you do Anon.
I've always been a huge fan of starch and bang. The combo is so appetising. Thanks for this.
You're welcome 🙂