Pineapple juice is Nourishing, tasty and so refreshing on it’s own but when combined with a medicinal root such as ginger it takes it to a whole new level. I’ve used ginger in several recipes on the blog including Gingerbread biscuits, Zoboroto, Ginger ale, Kunu zaki, Kunu aya and the taste it adds to these recipes listed is awesome. Some of the health benefits of ginger include; relieving nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness, pain, as well as maintains overall Cardiovascular health.
Pineapple on it’s own is packed with loads of vitamins and minerals such as Manganese & Vitamin C which functions as natural antioxidants and help keep your immune system healthy. it also contains an enzyme known as bromelain which is a natural anti-inflammatory agent and digestive enzyme that helps digest proteins and offer anti-inflammatory benefits. Other health benefits include fighting against stomach infections, indigestion, arthritis, constipation, and sinusitis. To gain the maximum benefits, the fully ripened fruit is the most beneficial one.
How To Make Ginger Pineapple
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Thank you for this recipe, I have been taking my pineapple like that but now that you have introduced ginger into it, I will try this this Saturday.
I'm sure you'll love it Henny.