Zobo drink also known as Zoborodo or Hibiscus drink is a popular nutritious healthy drink to make at home. It’s an Ox-blood or red wine coloured drink made from dry petals of the roselle plant (Hibiscus sabdariffa) which is a hibiscus specie. It goes by different names such as Rosella in Australia, Jamaican sorrel drink in the Caribbean, Sobolo in Ghana, depending on the region it’s prepared. It’s a rich and natural health drink filled with enormous benefits.
I love preparing my zobo drink with more of natural fruits including the peels of the particular fruit I use for the flavour I want but you may add artificial flavours and sweeteners such as Foster Clarks, Nutri C, jolly juice e.t.c if you don’t have the natural substitute. The Concentration of the juice also depends on choice as some like theirs concentrated while others like their’s less concentrated like me. Also, the more concentrated the drink is, the more likely it is to sour and ferment quickly. Traditionally, Zobo drink has been used for years and therefore seen as a herbal health drink which has been known to help several health issues including high blood pressure, loss of appetite, circulation, liver diseases, cancers, fevers, and as a gentle laxative and diuretic. Modern research also supports the fact that hibiscus has multiple health effects. This definitely makes it one of the top 10 healthy drinks to make at home.
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Zobo Drink (How to make zobo drink)
Zobo drink also known as Zoborodo or Hibiscus drink is a popular nutritious healthy drink to make at home. It's an Ox-blood or red wine coloured drink made from dry petals of the roselle plant (Hibiscus sabdariffa) which is a hibiscus specie. It goes by different names such as Rosella in Australia, Jamaican sorrel drink in the Caribbean, Sobolo in Ghana, depending on the region it's prepared. It's a rich and natural health drink filled with enormous benefits.
- • 150g Zobo leaves (Hibiscus sabdariffa)
- • 7 Liters water
- • 30g Dry ginger or Fresh ginger
- • 3 tbsps. Cloves a.k.a Konofiri
- • 1 Large Pineapple
- OR
- • Honey
Step 1: Before peeling the pineapple, wash the skin thoroughly and rinse with clean water. You can use both the inner part and the outer skin to get the added flavour.
P.S: Use the skin only if you are sure of how it was stored or if it's been thoroughly washed.) Peel and Dice the fruit - Set aside
Step 2: Wash the dry leaves of the hibiscus severally with cold water. This is because the leaves are often times dirty due to the way they are stored. Once you're done washing, place the washed leaves in a large pot and add the water and turn on your burner.
Step 3: Add the chunks of pineapple, ginger and Cloves (Konofiri). The taste of the zobo really intensifies when it's boiled with the ingredients unlike when it's left to steep. Leave to boil for about 25mins
Step 4: Sieve out the extract into a bowl and leave the drink to cool. The boiled leaves in the pot can still be reused until the red colour of the zobo totally reduces. You'd know when the red colour becomes less intense.
Step 5: This is supposed to be a health drink so I ensure I use only natural sweeteners and flavours like honey, sugar cane juice, pineapple juice etc. Alternatively, if you don't have the natural juices, you can substitute with Artificial flavours and sweeteners such as Foster Clarks flavour, Nutri C, jolly juice e.t.c.
Step 6: Refrigerate and serve cold.
• To enjoy zobo in it's purest form, it's best to use natural sweeteners such as honey, pineapple, dates, apple e.t.c. But if you don't have that available, sugar, artificial flavours and sweeteners such as (foster Clark’s Pineapple flavour, jolly juice e.t.c) can be used.
Step 3: Add the chunks of pineapple, ginger and Cloves (Konofiri). The taste of the zobo really intensifies when it’s boiled with the ingredients unlike when it’s left to steep. Leave to boil for about 25mins.
Step 4: Sieve out the extract into a bowl and leave the drink to cool. The boiled leaves in the pot can still be reused until the red colour of the zobo totally reduces. You’d know when the red colour becomes less intense.
Step 5: This is supposed to be a health drink so I ensure I use only natural sweeteners and flavours like honey, sugar cane juice, pineapple juice etc. Alternatively, if you don’t have the natural juices, you can substitute with Artificial flavours and sweeteners such as Foster Clark’s flavour, Nutri C, jolly juice e.t.c.
• It has long been used traditionally as a natural diuretic and in the treatment of several diseases such as Urinary tract infections. It Promotes kidney functioning.
• Zobo drink is a veritable source of vitamin A
• According to nutritionists, it has been found to be very effective in the management of hypertension due to its anti-hypertensive properties.
• It also helps in lowering blood pressure as it contains an enzyme inhibitor which blocks the production of Amylase
• It’s good for diabetic patients
• It reduces the cholesterol in the body
• It aids in digestion and acts as a Natural health tonic
• It has Antibacterial properties
• It helps Decrease spams in the stomach
• It Soothes colds and provides similar cold relief obtained by consuming antioxidant drinks
Other names it is known as in different regions:::
• Isapa – Yorubas in South Western Nigeria
• Lumanda/Chibemba-Zambia
• Omulete-Namibia
• Bissap – In Niger, Senegal, Burkina faso, Benin, France, Congo and Guinea Bissau.
• Dah/Dah/Bleni- In Mali
• Karkade-Egypt, Sudan, & Saudi Arabia
• Flor de Jamaica- Mexico
• Womjo-Gambia
• Rosella/Rosella fruit-Australia
• Belchanda-Nepal
• Grosella- Paraguay
Thanks for sharing dobby. Me i can't do without suga in my zoborodo. would try this method
I looooove zobo.Still don't know why,but i do.Maybe it's the ginger or whatever,i just do.I'll try this sometime.Thanks for sharing.
Thanks 9ja great 🙂
Thanks Anon! do let us know how it goes 😉
k. I had 2 read d post again. Didn't see step 1. I luv d drink.
tnx 4 dis. can i use d pineapple peel and add blended pineapplee to it??
Thanks for sharing,
Hi Quin,
You could still blend the pineapple or chop it up, it all depends on choice.
You are welcome lawyergirl 🙂
My evry sunday drink though buys it 4rm church but will sure use this method to prepare mine.
Hi Onyi,
you'd definitely enjoy it once you do. Do let us know how it goes 🙂
Hi dobby, pls how can i preseve zobo drink in a bottle for a long time. I had like to do it for business.
hello Anon,
You'd have to keep it refrigerated/frozen at all times.
Thanks , more power to your energy. visit http://www.fuoye.edu.ng
Thank you too kamoru
I just stumbled on your blog today and am already making plans to try this zobo. Please what are cloves(konofiri) ? I will like to do this drink tomorrow
Pls what exactly does this cloves look like ? Can't see the pix properly
it looks like small sticks with branches.
Hi..Tnx for d recipe.Pls Whr can i get Cloves frm.
you can get cloves from the local market where it's known as "konofiri". Check those that sell Zobo ingredients.
Thank you pls more
You're welcome.
Hi, could you pls suggest a substitute for cloves. Tks
For now there's none. you could make it without cloves but add more ginger.
Hi Dobby – You are doing a great job! please teach us how to make Ishapa soup. I only ate it once & since then I wanna eat it again. Its made with zobo leaves. It is soup that is native to the Ondos.
Okay i will.
My husband prefer Zobo than any other drink.U can also blend cucumber and add to your zoo,it gives such a great flavour
Hi dobby, I stumbled upon you whole searching for to make fish pepper soup. Since then I fell…U are doing very well. Pls do u have an 'app'?
Thanks Amaka. There's no app yet but working on it
Hi Dobby
Can I do without sugar?
Say boil the zobo leaves with ginger and pineapple and sugarcane, inclusive of all their exteriors
Sure you can.