Hello dearies, This is a comment inspired post which i guess would be…
How to’s & Kitchen tips
Ever wondered how you could detect rotten eggs without cracking open the eggs? Here is a technique i use when…
Tomapep puree is a puree made from a blend of tomato and pepper. It’s preferably made from scratch and this…
One of the most important Soup or stew base I prepare in my kitchen is the Beef stock. If I…
Wheat meal is a dish prepared as a form of “Swallow” in Nigeria. It can be taken with any Nigerian soup in…
I learnt everything about Baking without an oven from the only school that counts – “The school of Hard Knocks”.…
Chicken Stock is the liquid extract gotten from cooking Chicken(With bones…..lots of it) plus Herbs, spices and other ingredients. It’s…
Coconut milk is the milky white juicy extract from the coconut flesh. There are two grades of coconut milk:…
Cocoyam is a deliciously healthy food which has different purposes in the Nigerian diet. There are two major species of cocoyam…
Palm Fruit also known as African Oil Palm is an oval-shaped fruit from the African palm tree (Elaeis guineensis…