Devoured with boiled white rice, served with fried plantain and left over grilled chicken by the side, vegetable stew with smoked fish is the perfect lunch any day. When thinking of a meal on a budget, an easy dish that comes to mind for me is this stew. To be frank, i spent less than 500Naira on this stew which was made for 5. If that doesn’t thrill you in this present economy, nothing else will. Apart from being nourishing, the burst of colors on the plate would tell you it’s also fresh as well as healthy at the same time. I took the basic concept of the normal vegetable stew with egg served previously with yam and plantain, skipped the egg part and added shredded smoked fish after removing the little bones in it. For me, everything tastes better with smoked meat or fish….whayahsay :D.
How to make vegetable stew with smoked fish
• Prep Time: 20 minutes
• Cook Time:10 minutes
• Total Time: 30 minutes
• Meal type: Side dish
• Misc: Serve hot
Making this today. Thanks dobs
omg, i am definitely making this.
Simply Uneeke
Great post, thanks so much for the share
nne, idi too much.
YumYumYum! Salivating seriously right now! I want!!!!!1
Just wow. I will make it. God bless ur hustle
This looks nice. Pls can you do a post on different types of beans esp cajanus cajan? Thanks
Ah!! Aunty dobby the food was AMAZE-BALLS. My kitchen game was so strong momsi asked me to make it again. If only I know how to smoke fish myself.. I've been a silent follower for a while now but this was my breaking point. I'll have my brother eating out of my palm after yabbing me for reading your blog. Ohshey!!
Definitely going to make this.
You're welcome chima
Thanks for the feedback Jennifer. He's truly in for a big surprise
Do let us know how it goes k
I'm sure you'd enjoy it Uneeke
You're welcome.
Thank you jenny
you know you can have it anytime
Thank you uche
Okay, i will.
Stumbled upon your IG page while cracking my head for dinner ideas and voila
…needless to say it's an excellent meal one can rustle up on a whim and the best part?…Pocket friendly! ��. Thanks much for sharing!
You're welcome grace.
I always blend my tomatoes while making vegetable stew, I will try this method, thanks.
You'd love it!