Nigerian Buns are fried dough balls with Crunchy outer crusts. Its quite similar to the popular Nigerian puff puff but less oily and densely packed. The perfect buns are usually soft within with rocky looking outer crusts. I must say it took me quite a while to perfect my buns making skill. That’s why i’ve decided to make it simple with my step by step Pictorials.
Nigerian Buns recipe
• Prep Time: 20 minutes
• Cook Time:10 minutes
• Total Time: 30 minutes
• Makes: 18-20 balls
• Wooden Spatula (For Mixing)
• A medium sized mixing bowl
• Frying Pan
• 80g Sugar
• 2 tablespoons Baking powder
• ½ teaspoon nutmeg – Optional
• 3 Eggs
• 100g Melted butter/margarine– Optional
• Milk (3 tablespoons evaporated milk or 2 tablespoons powdered milk)
• ½ teaspoon salt
• 1 Cup Warm water for mixing
• Vegetable oil for deep frying
Step 1: In a medium sized bowl, add the flour, Baking powder, Salt and Nutmeg – Mix to combine
Step 2: Whisk the eggs and pour into the melted butter – Mix to combine.
Step 3: Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients and pour the egg & butter mixture into the Flour mixture – Mix till it looks Lumpy
Step 4: Dissolve the the sugar and Milk in the cup of water and mix making sure the sugar granules dissolve completely. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and gently pour the milk into it while mixing continuously. Mix till you get a Stretchy sticky dough – Set aside for 5 minutes
Step 5: In a frying pan, heat the oil on medium heat.
Step 6: Scoop tablespoons full of Sticky dough into the hot oil and leave to fry till golden brown on both sides for about 4minutes. Don’t worry about the dough size on the tablespoon, it’d expand and bloat once it gets into the oil.
Step 7: Transfer the fried Buns onto a Paper towel to remove the excess oil. Leave to cool .
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Made this today…Thanks for the recipe dobby.
I just love U dobby!
Hi, I am working with several food bloggers to help pull down this blog
He is seriously infringing your copyright.
He has all your food pics on his site and facebook page and making money from them.
Help us stop this person and the likes of him/her from stealing peoples hard work
Have a great day.
So we dnt use yeast for buns?
Father in heaven!!!!!!!!!!! I just checked the Site out. The person practically duplicated Almost all my content and even Cropped out my logo. thanks for alerting me on this barrister mike. The owner is a shameless thief and would be treated as such.
You are most welcome Nneka
Awww!!!! Thanks Joy. Luv you too
No Anon, yeast isn't required for buns.
Dobby won't kee me with long throat tinz. I like.
That's the main aim aunty eya…thanks
me trying to loose weight and den seeing dis… I had to make dis 4 my kids and dey loved it. I've bn chking out dis blog 4 a while and must commend ur pics are muaaahh. Bestaluck
Awww!!! Thank you Quin
dobby abeg help wit recipe 4 chicken sharwarma [9ja touch]. Waiting in anticipation.Tnx
Dobby either disable the right click option which makes it hard for people to copy your photos or protect the entire blog all together so that even to click on the photo is impossible only links will work when clicked on ask a technical IT person to help you that's what Lohi of did her content was even being used to market restaurants in Nigeria unbelievable! People are so shameless!
Hi Quin, here's the recipe for shawarma…though I used beef instead. It's also the same process for chicken shawarma, just switch the beef for chicken ¤¤¤
It's so Annoying. Thanks Anon! Would do just that.
I just copied your entire content of this recipe to my Microsoft word. You need to lock your site Dobby.
Yes you can prevent right clicking like Lohi does but there is a way around it. Just click on the image alone and it will open from there you can right click. Just watermark your images in the middle where it will be difficult to crop. My sister owns a photography website and you can't even copy the written content not to talk of images. She doesn't like watermarking her images so she had to do a full site and content lock. Even if you click on the image and try to right click from there it won't work. You cant copy one word if you try control C. You need to move from blogspot to wordpress Dobby. All the wizzy techy stuff are there and you don't even have to be an IT person. My sister cannot use a smart phone to save her life and she uses wordpress and her site is on lock down.
I noticed the right clicking stuff too after double clicking on the image itself. i guess the best option right now is watermarking my pictures right in the middle though it takes time but i guess its worth it. Personally, i prefer bloggers interface better than wordpress although wordpress can be tweaked easily. Thanks for the eye opener Anon!would definitely look into more ways to prevent such from reoccurring.
Write ur name across ur picture (eg dobby signature) before posting on here, there are applications that lets you do that. u can do that even with ur phones… blackberry/nokia, etc.. cheers
Thanks Anon! Would do just that.
Recipe toh bad!!! Made ds for breakfast n it turned out really nice. Had to have flour on my hands to knead the balls. Thanks a lot.
Thanks for the feedback Anon. i'm glad it turned out fine
your recipes are always fantastic
Thank you anon
Ghanaians make this too. Now wonder we're neighbours. lol! Great post!
We sure are! Thanks Missy
It is a nice direction thanks and God bless you
Thanks Anon, and God bless you too
Am Anon 3:54 Made dis today but pls my got burnt nd is dark out side nd inside seem not to be done wat could be d cause. Scared to fry d rest mixture. D taste is superb thou. Pls urgent help Dobby or any1
hi anon 1:03, when frying buns ensure you deep fry. Also, make sure the oil doesn't get smokey before putting the buns batter into the oil and once you put the batter, reduce the burner so the inner part would get done.
i dont knw wat hapened… my buns was done outside but d inside wasnt and most of all it wasnt even lookin attractive…. help
It's best to reduce the heat before dropping the buns into the oil. By doing that, the oil soaks into it and it'd cook evenly. if you drop the buns into hot very hot oil, it'd just cook the outside and might even begin to smoke & burn which'd make you remove it before the inner part gets done.
Pls i need recipe for eggroll
How to make Nigerian Egg roll
* 4 eggs
* 160g of plain flour
* 60g of margarine
* 1/2 milk cup Sugar
* 50ml warm water
* 1/2 tsp. of baking powder
* Pinch of salt
* Vegetable oil (for deep frying)
Step 1: Boil the eggs in a pot, peel and set aside
Step 2: Sift the flour, sugar, mixed spices (if you are using) and salt into an empty bowl. Mix thoroughly then add the margarine. work into it with the tip of your hand till it looks crumbly like breadcrumbs.
Step 3: Make a well in the center and gently add water little by little. work into it some more till you get a non sticky elastic dough.
Step 4: Divide it into 4 and roll the divided dough into balls
Step 5: Dust your flat working surface with flour roll out each dough
Step 6: Wrap each dough around each egg and roll into balls
Step 7: Pre-Heat your vegetable oil in a deep fryer or pot and fry the egg rolls till golden brown
Step 8: Remove from the oil and drain on a paper towel. Serve!
Hello Dobby,
I'll d like to say that your work is inspiring. Cookery used to be my passion, but my life is so caught up in other things at the moment and I sometimes feel as if I have lost touch! Just doing a random google search for buns and coming across your website put a smile on my face! It is beautifully presented and even though I don't know you, I feel immensely proud! Just thought to commend you for the hard work you've put into presenting your recipes and the general look of your website; it really appeals to the senses!!!
While reading your comment people kept asking what was making me smile so hard. Thanks a bunch Anon, you made my day
Hello Dobby.
Thank you for d recipe. You always make cooking interesting. Kudos.!
Please I tried making d buns but d inner part of it looked n tasted raw. Please what didn't I do right. Thank you.
You are welcome Anon. The heat from the burner was too high and this made the outer part of the buns get done before the inner part. Here's a tip to make the buns cook evenly next time, heat up the oil on medium but before dropping the buns into the oil reduce the burner to the lowest and let it fry on the lowest heat. that way, when you finally bring out the buns, every part of it would be evenly cooked including the inner part.
I've learnt something. I will try it out. Tnx Dobby
you're welcome
Thanks Dobby. You are so generous. I ve learnt to be more generous with my ideas/ Knowledge.
You're welcome Ifunanya
welldone dobby God bles you for ds wonderful work,i must say i have learnt a lot u r a great teacher
Thanks Anon 3:21
@Dobby thanks for this clue. Have been begging ma cousin for it but she wouldn't answer me. Am gonna try it today.@anonymous,aside the heat,buns is a deep fry so u must have enough oil on your pan. Thanks
Yummy recipe great pics! Kudos
Thanks kekalicious
Pls my Dobby my is alwayz hard.
Hi Anon, you should check the mixing.
Tried it and it came out nice.thanks for your help
YumYum! Trying this this week. Already excited!
Thanks for the feedback Anon
Thanks rose. Do keep us posted.
hi, i think the original blogger should be happy his/her post(s) are being used by someone else. Information goes round and round. Its a blog not a patient document. However, we should rather encourage people who copy other people's items to at least give CREDITS to the original source(s).
Don't be annoyed Ma'am.
Just made my own buns now using ur procedure and it was great. Thanks to u
You're welcome Abodia.
Anty dobby made mine but it does not have inside n the outside is so crumpy rocky when u try breaking it.I realise the mixture isn't sticky,seems I added excess water n I refridgerated it .pls can I still add some flour to the mixture to make it sticky
Hi princess, yes you can add more flour to make it thick and sticky. The thicker it is, the better it'd turn out.
Thanks so much for this your post. Am going to ensure that i practice all. Thanks a million.
You're welcome Jne E
Thanks so much for your recipe
You're welcome serenah.
Mine came out nice though i could not get d nice round shape. Y?
could either be the amount of baking powder to ingredient ratio or the dept of the oil.
I just made mine now and it tastes sooooo nice…..Thank you for the recipe
I jus made mine now,and it tastes soooooo gud….Thank you so much for the recipe
You're welcome oge. Thanks for the feedback.
Thanks for the feedback Anon.
Well done dobby. I have learnt a lot from you. But please along side mentioning the gram of flour in the recipes,it will be great if you can give newbies in baking like myself the cup or mudu measurements of the floor. As regards cup,I mean the type they use to measure egwusi or gobo no even flour in the market. Like in Abuja where I stay. Thanks
Hello dobby, nice work there, ola help, I made buns just now but itz not giving me the round shape of buns, some are even like a square shape, how I do I achieve the round shape, also, it looks really strong, I don't know what happened pls help me…thanks
Hi Ngozi, Click Here For Measurements
Hi Anon, you should deep fry the buns in hot oil to prevent that from occurring.
Thanks dobby for this post. Please how many gram is 2 tablespoons of baking powder that you used. I have only the measuring scale so i wll like to measure it with scale. Thanks for your kind heart