With bumper recipes which require a mixture of tomato and pepper as a base such as jollof rice, jollof spaghetti, stews and sauces, pizza, figuring out how to preserve these perishable goods couldn’t be far fetched. Also, with the current state of the already epileptic power supply in the country, learning to store these goods without placing it in the refrigerator or freezer would come in handy. Preserving it this way makes it easier to use when ready and can also store for several days and even weeks with or without refrigeration.
Step 1: The first step is to puree the tomato and pepper as explained HERE
Step 2: Dehydrate the puree by cooking for some minutes till all the liquid in the pot evaporates leaving the concentrate.
Step 3: Pour clean cooking oil into the puree and fry for about 10 minutes

Step 4: Place the fried puree in an airtight container with the oil inclusive making sure the oil covers the puree completely (Let it reach the brim). This prevents any form of mold from growing within.
Step 1: The first step is to puree the tomato and pepper as explained HERE
Step 2: Dehydrate the puree by cooking for some minutes till all the liquid in the pot evaporates leaving the concentrate.
Step 3: Pour clean cooking oil into the puree and fry for about 10 minutes

Step 4: Place the fried puree in an airtight container with the oil inclusive making sure the oil covers the puree completely (Let it reach the brim). This prevents any form of mold from growing within.
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This is a lovely info. Thanks a lot for all you do. I love your blog
I like it. This is a very clever method for preserving tomato sauce. Will the fact that you fried the puree for 10 minutes alter its flavor? And how do yo re-hydrate the puree when you are ready to use it?
Wow like seriously, I love dis will try it. But for how long can it stay
Though we never canned them, the trick is to make sure the oil covers your tomato paste completely. Well done Dobby.
Hi Mr adela,
By frying it, you're getting half of the work done therefore the flavor wouldn't be altered. To re-hydrate the puree, simply add stock to it.
Thanks mrs fab. Glad to have you here.
if de-hydrated well, it could stay for up to 3 days and more.
Thanks Abisola.
welldone dear
I so much needed this. Thanks gurl, you rock!
Thanks Chi
Anytime husayn 🙂
Thanks for the the kitchen tip. I guess one can do this with a pepper and onion sauce as well?
Yes you can.
I remember this, my dad used to fry pepper for us like this when we went to the boarding house, since there was no pepper in the school food, he'd bring all the way to Ondo from Abuja and the pepper would last for almost 2wks. Memoriess.
This is simply wonderful. Yours is the best because of the step by step explanations and the pictures that followed
Thanks Betty 🙂
I had a friend like that too
this is fine
Hi Dobby,thanks for the kitchen tips. can i use plastic jars for storing the puree or it must be a glass jar like the one in the pic?
Yes you can use plastic jars also.
Hi. Thanks for the tip. Please does this preservation also apply to stew? Like if I just store my cooked tomato sauce this way, would it last up to a week?
If the whole moisture is removed from the tomato, yes it can especially if its fried well.
Pls can u store it for up to 6 months?
Please is there a way to store/preserve pepper puree?
Yes you can but how you prepare it matters alot so you don't get microbes into the jar which would spoil it
(1) Sterilize the jar before pouring the paste into it. To do that, you'd need to boil the jars for sometime including the lids. pour the paste into the jars,top with oil and cover with the lid then boil again making sure the jars are fully submerged in the water.
(2) This can now be stored in cartons or your kitchen cabinet. this can stay for up to a year.
It can be preserved the same way.
Please what can be done to get rid of the sour taste in tomato and pepper puree after it was boiled but it not preserved for 3 days
After frying with oil, do I have to leave it to cool before transferring to a plastic jar or it might give chance for microbial growth?
Transfer it to a jar while slightly hot then, leave it to cool completely.